Abbotts Aerodrome saved by Cheshyr Pontchartrain

Really good news to hear that Cheshyr Pontchartrain will be saving Abbotts Aerodrome from complete closure in Second Life. Abbotts Aerodrome is Second Life’s second oldest airport and is well known on the grid. Note that the name will be changing as well.

Cheshyr Pontchartrain wrote recently on Cubey’s blog post called All good things saying that:

Fear not, I’ve made arrangements to purchase and preserve the airport for Novatech. The airport name and vendors will change, per Cubey’s request, but the airport will remain open to the public, and give new airplane makers a chance to spread their wings.

Today Cubey wrote on NWN blog post about the airport being saved saying this:

I’m very pleased that Cheshyr will be preserving the structure and land. I’m sorry to say that, functionally, it won’t be Abbotts Aerodrome, in that it won’t have the same name or content (besides the buildings and runway etc.). On the other hand, Cheshyr will refresh the site with new content and will undoubtedly be able to devote more time and creativity than I’ve been able to spare lately.

So while I’m sad to end my work in Abbotts, at the same time, I’m looking forward to seeing how Cheshyr revitalizes the airport.

Wonderful news and it’s going to be interesting to see what Cheshyr will revamp in the future at the airport.

One thought on “Abbotts Aerodrome saved by Cheshyr Pontchartrain

  1. Cubey ,talented and giving as he is, is or has been a very rude man behind the scenes, or maybe bipolar, or maybe old age caught up with him and made him crumpy but either way i for one am happy to see him go.
    You can’t be a philantropist and then behave as a dictator behind the scenes ever or even ocassionally, not in sl anyways, because look, donations dried up to support his sim for a reason and it wasn’t the economy, as secondlife has kept growing in numbers.
    Word gets around quick in secondlife and we respond by referring eachother to friendlier entrepreneurs and thus spending our lindens elsewhere.
    “Tear down this wall, Mr Cheshyr Pontchartrain !” 🙂


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