Freebie Mall 2.0 on Kitely

Today I went to visit the Freebie Mall 2.0 on Kitely using my SL Facebook account details to log in. I clicked on Enter World shown on the right hand side of the Kitely page which starts the world which took a few moments to complete. I managed to pick up the limited time QR-Cube 01231 at the Freebie Mall 2.0 on Kitely today which was awesome. I walked around the mail getting many freebies which was fun and its a great location to get started on Kitely I think.

NEW! Check out my new Flickr set called Kitely where I am exploring new Kitely locations.

I signed up to Kitely on 29th March 2011 and so far I’ve only been to a few places. I plan to explore more Kitely Public World locations during 2013 and share the experiences on my SL blog/SL Flickr stream.

This is Linda Kellie’s latest version of her Freebie Shopping Mall, released in mid-April 2012.

There are a very large number of items in this sim, so it takes a long time to start. Please be patient!

Now free to visit for a limited time! Be sure to check out the “QR-Cube” in front of the mall. Those are real QR-Codes, so break out your smartphone and scan it for some exciting information. VIrtual QR-Cubes could be a good way to direct traffic to all your worlds in Kitely! If you’d like a programmable virtual cube yourself, leave me (Kat Lemieux) an IM in world and I’ll tell you how to get one.

After a few minutes it pops up with a box saying the location is ready and how to login using information provided. You may be asked to install a Kitely plugin and I used Imprudence 1.3.2 viewer to log in. Start Viewers page is worth reading as it explains how to do everything manually.

Start Viewer

Connected to Kitely via Kitely Plugin. I have a region called Daniel Voyager which I hope to use more during the course of 2013. 🙂


Loads of FREE items at Freebie Shopping Mall on Kitely

Freebie Shopping Mall on Kitely

There are many other popular locations to visit on Kitely on the Public Worlds page. Click on either Shopping, Education, Meetings or the Fun button to browse through them specific locations. There is a Search box where you can find everything. 🙂

Kitely Public Worlds


Have you signed up for Kitely and what was your experience like ? 

Healthinfo Island Flu Vaccines Event

There will be a live presentation event happening at 9am SLT on Thursday 17th January 2013 about Flu Vaccines at Healthinfo Island Research Pavilion in Second Life. Kaznats Oh will be hosting the event with interesting information and lot’s of research about Flu season which effects alot of people across the world every year.

Snapshot of the Healthinfo Island Research Pavilion 

Healthinfo Island Research Pavilion 2013

Press Release

A Shot in the Dark: Just how effective are Flu Vaccines?
THURSDAY January 17, 9am SLT
Healthinfo Island Research Pavilion

Have you gotten your flu shot? How effective are flu vaccinations anyway? Research will be presented in plain language, so you can make an informed decision.

PRESENTER BIO: Kaznats Oh (Richard Stanzak in RL) is a critical care nurse. He also worked as a molecular biologist for fourteen years, seven of them for Eli Lilly pharmaceuticals in both research and development.

As a traveling ICU nurse he has been employed at 26 different assignments. He has worked in major trauma units, transplant units, cardiac units and hospitals from 1150 beds to 8 beds. He has experienced first-hand the problems of healthcare and can certainly attest this is a national problem.

Stanzak is the author and/or co-author of several papers and also has several patents. He is the lead author of a benchmark paper on the cloning of genes responsible for the production of erythromycin. He was engaged in research at Eli Lilly when Prozac was first discovered and Genentech first licensed the insulin gene to Lilly. As a critical care nurse, he is responsible for providing teaching to patients or families about drugs, diseases and procedures.

Will you be attending the presentation tomorrow morning ?