Attending The Phoenix 101 Class

On Tuesday4th January 2011, I attended the Phoenix 101 Class, hosted at Wailele Moku region in Second Life. The class started a few minutes after 1pm SLT hosted by Ed Merryman, the Support Leader. The Phoenix team were only expecting around 10-15 residents to attend however 60 residents attended the voice-enabled class hour. Ed Merryman did a great job at giving residents a voice tutorial about the basics of the Phoenix viewer and answering questions during the class. Ed Merryman went through the preferences menu features and talked about different parts of the viewer which I throught was really interesting. The class lasted for 1 hour & 44 minutes.

Upcoming Phoenix 101 Classes

Phoenix 101 Classes
In our ongoing efforts to help and improve the user experience, we are starting educational “Phoenix 101” classes for our users on the Phoenix Viewer. The first set of classes will be covering our extensive preference options and explain what they all do. The classes will run from 1-1.5 hours long and done in voice.
The initial classes will be on the following dates.
Tuesday Jan 4 2011 @ 1 PM SLT
Thursday Jan 6 2011 @ 8AM SLT
Saturday Jan 8 2011 @ 6PM SLT.

Classes will be held at:
Hosted by our very own Ed Merryman, Support Lead.

Once we get through the first set of classes we will be able to better modify our format, curriculum and demand needs. We will then announce regular on going classes of different subjects here on this blog.

If your a Phoenix user or thinking about switching viewers or perhaps your a new Phoenix user then I highly recommend you attend these classes to learn the basic-advanced info about the viewer. Thanks to Ed and Jessica and Phoenix team.

2 thoughts on “Attending The Phoenix 101 Class

  1. Thank you very much for having posted the event Daniel, it was interesting and I hope I can attend also next class tomorrow.


    1. @Heloq: The class was really interesting and I may attend future ones. I have yet to attend their office hour which will be held next Tuesday..


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