SLCC 2012 cancelled

Update: Fleep’s Personal Perspective about the end of SLCC 


It’s shocking news to report that there will be no SLCC 2012 this year which is very disappointing indeed for the Second Life community. I know that many enjoyed attending SLCC over the years and loved meeting friends/guests/Lindens. A popular hit was when Linden Lab announced the major news, improvements and changes for Second Life.

It’s worth looking at the History of SLCC page on the SLCC official website for the memories and milestones. 🙂

AvaCon has confirmed on their blog that they won’t be organizing the 2012 Second Life Community Convention which normally happens in mid August. This is due to contract changes offered by Linden Lab. This is sad news and I was hoping this wouldn’t happen.

Due to changes in the terms of the contract offered by Linden Lab this year, AvaCon has declined to organize a Second Life Community Convention in 2012.  We continue to pursue our overall mission and are focusing our attention on other activities and events that promote the metaverse.

Here is a snapshot of Rod Humble at SLCC 2011 doing his first SL keynote address.

In recent years I enjoyed visiting the SLCC regions inworld and also the SLCC online streams. Perhaps there might be something planned for SLCC 2013 or 2014 in the near future.

What do you think of this shocking news?

21 thoughts on “SLCC 2012 cancelled

  1. Hey Daniel,

    As always, thanks so much for keeping us up to date on so many things. I’m really excited about the OSGrid5B celebration coming up. I totally love and respect the power of SL, but OSG really is where my ideological heart is, so even though I don’t spend a lot of time there I really believe in what they’re doing.

    As for no SLCC the obvious question is if this in some way syncs up with no SL9B to offer some message about the future of SL or LL’s perspective on it or new direction, focus, etc. I have no idea on any of it, and as you, Yordie, and others noted, the “Phoenix” that became SL9B was a beautiful success, still, in terms of the lab more or less cancelling 2 major events in a row I’m curious about what the wise tea leaf readers see.

    Perhaps it’s nothing more than streamlining out events that weren’t really profitable for LL, IDK, but one does wonder. Do you know what the new terms from LL were that led to the cancelling of SLCC?


    1. Thanks Vaneeesa.

      I’m looking forward to OSGrid5B on opensim. I’m interested to see how it compares with inworldz and SLB ones. I thought SLCC was a big success and big hit over the years. I guess that’s not the case anymore sadly. 😦

      It just seems one by one the big SL events seem to cancelled by Linden Lab. Not good at all!


  2. Has anyone from Linded Lab confirmed no SLCC? The AvaCon statement sounds like they were offered a contract and it was their choice not to organize it. It’s possible LL will contract with another organization. Not likely, but until they say no . . .


  3. I’m wondering how this can possibly be a surprise, let alone “shocking”, considering the Lab’s pattern of disengagement from public celebrations of Second Life, inworld and out – beginning with “Burning Life”.

    On the other hand, it relieves any LL representatives of having to state on the public record that they’re still not going to talk about pricing…


  4. Abandoning Burning Life, their own birthday celebration, and now SLCC sounds like the downward spiral is tightening. I rather fear for the future of Our World.


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