Today Marks My 15th Rezday In Second Life

Today marks my 15th rezday in Second Life. Woooot!!!! 🙂

The journey since 31st October 2006 has been incredible with load’s of happy memories along the way. I have met many amazing people over the years and enjoyed attending the big events in Second Life. In mid December 2007 I started my blog and now it’s received more over 810, 000 hits. My blog has been featured across the metaverse many times over the years for the reporting I have done. Thanks for much for everyone’s support over the years. I truly appreciate it.

For me reaching my 15th rezday is a massive milestone in Second Life and I hope to be around for many decades to come. I have seen Second Life change a lot during the past 15 years from the changing of CEOs, the launch of Viewer 2.0, the merge of the teen grid with the main grid, the introduction of windlight/mesh/bento, Bay City launching, the development of Linden Homes, Second Life moving into the cloud and much more.

I love attending the annual Second Life birthday events, BURN2 annual events, Relay for Life events, volunteering around the grid, exploring new places and blogging about what’s happening. The expansion of the Bellisseria continent has been very exciting to document on new developments. Over the years I have logged into OpenSim grids to see what is it like there and it’s been alright I guess.

There have been bad times for Second Life from the sharp downsizing of the lab back in 2010, the change from Burning Life to Burn2, the shut down of Woodbury University, OpenSpace price changes, last names removal, the blocking of the Emerald viewer, Redzone, cancellation of educational and non profit discounts, ending the mentor program and the list goes on.

The passing of Ebbe Altberg was a really sad moment earlier this year and he will never be forgotten. Ebbe made a positive difference to Second Life, Linden Lab and Sansar in recent years. Linden Lab is under new management as of the start of 2021 so it’s going to be interesting to see what will happen during the next few years or so. I will do my best to cover the big news stories and events that I am sure will happen for sure.

I still think Second Life is the best virtual world out there today and as the lab has said many times Second Life is here to stay for many more years to come. Yay! 🙂