Second Life 21 Years Later

On Sunday 23rd June 2024 marked Second Life 21st official birthday. It’s amazing how much has happened in 21 years and that Second Life is still going strong. There is still loads of exciting things to do in Second Life and daily events to enjoy.

The lab have introduced many improvements over the years such like Windlight, Mesh, Premium Plus, new Linden Homes, PBR, 360 Snapshots and much more. There have been many CEOs over the years from the founder of Second Life Philip Rosedale, M Linden, Rod Humble, Ebbe Altberg and Brad Oberwager (current owner of Linden Lab).

Second Life attracted big attention of major brands over the years such as Reuters, BBC, CNN, Sky News, BMG Music, Sony, Reebok, IMB and more. There have been region closures and new places starting up.

The lab rolled out second generation Linden Homes over the past five years, cloud uplift, revamped Second Life webpages along with the return of Last Names and the Second Life mentors program. The lab merged the teen grid with the main grid back in early 2011.

We have had big drama over the year from the launch of viewer 2.0, child avatars/adult rated content, merging of the teen grid, the 2010 layoffs, closure of Avatars United, Openspace pricing, Emerald Viewer, RedZone, removal of nonprofit and educational discounts and much more.

The future is now turning towards Second Life mobile as testing is currently underway and that SL mobile is being improved every month. There is still alot on the roadmap for Second Life I think which will hopefully improve the overall experience for everyone.

I have been in Second Life since the end of October 2006 and seen alot of changes happen. It’s been an incredible virtual journey with so many good memories. I started blogging back in late 2007 and basically blogged about the big news and events since then on the grid. I am looking forward to the next five-ten years of Second Life.

See the history of Second Life from 2003 to 2024 here.

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