Logging into Virtual Worlds Grid

I signed up for Virtual Worlds Grid today which is an OpenSim based grid running Second Life using OpenSim Release. I downloaded and installed the Imprudence 1.3.2 viewer to log into the Virtual Worlds Grid. You can also use Pheonix, Hippo, Windows, Mac or Linux clients to use the Virtual Worlds Grid too.

Virtual Worlds Grid was founded in April 2007 and it’s been growing steadily every year since then. Here are the current grid statistics as of 6:20am SLT (11th April 2012) for the Virtual Worlds Grid. 

Users in World: 2      Regions: 928      Total Users: 672      Active Users (Last 30 Days): 46

It’s a rather tiny OpenSim grid with more regions then users which is very interesting and it’s tiny compared with other well-known OpenSim grids. Only 46 users have logged in during the past 30 days and when I was logged in there was only one other user logged in. The sign-up process is very straightforward to create your avatar account and log into the grid from the left hand side of the page.

Fill out your First Name, Last Name, Email, Password and type of avatar. 

Once completed and press the create button it will redirect you to this page saying Your account has been created.

Check out this helpful tutorial page to get started > Instructions for entering Virtual Worlds Grid

Snapshot showing logging into the Virtual Worlds Grid using viewer 1 based Imprudence viewer.

Snapshot showing me logged in at the Virtual Worlds College location. It’s worth walking around Virtual Worlds College and nearby regions if you are new to the grid.

Snapshot showing the World Map at zoom out.

I recommend teleporting to different regions across the map to explore them if you are new to the grid.

Let me know what you think of the grid ?

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